Course Overview

Revit MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) is a software tool used by professionals to design and coordinate building systems more efficiently. Revit software maximizes productivity by reducing errors, saving time, and providing accurate documentation and data for construction. Revit MEP course teach students how to use this tool to create accurate three-dimensional models, perform design and analysis, and manage building systems. Additionally, the course covers the fundamentals of HVAC, plumbing, and electrical engineering, as well as how to integrate these systems seamlessly with architecture and structure. The course is ideal for aspiring engineers, architects, and designers looking to expand their knowledge and skills in BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology. Upon completion, students can expect to have gained knowledge and practical experience with Revit software and related building design concepts.

Introduction to BIM
Revit MEP Basics
Viewing the Model

Creating an HVAC System,
Adding Mechanical Equipment and Air Terminals
Creating and Modifying Ductwork,
Ducts and Duct Fittings
Duct Accessories, An over View to Energy Analysis

Creating Hydraulic Piping,
Pipes and Pipe Fittings,
Pipe Accessories

Creating Plumbing Systems,
Plumbing Pipes and Pipe Fittings,
Assigning slope to the Drainage Pipes

Creating Fire Protection Systems,
Adding Sprinklers, Pipe and Pipe Fittings

Adding Light Fixtures, Adding Devices,
Modelling Cable Tray,
Adding Cables and Electrical Equipment

Introduction to Families,
Basic Family Creation tools,
Creation of families,
Duct Pipe and Electrical connectors
Editing of Existing Families

Adding Tags, Adding Dimensions,
Symbols, and Text Creating Legends,
Working with Schedules

Work sets and Work sharing
Printing and Publishing