Course Overview

Catia Course By Cad Desk Mysuru provides comprehensive training in the use of CATIA software, which is widely used by engineers and designers in the fields of automotive, aerospace, and industrial design. The Catia training covers topics such as 3D modeling, sketch-based features, assembly design, surface modeling, and sheet metal design. The Catia course is suitable for both beginners and experienced professionals who wish to develop their skills in CATIA. The Catia software training is delivered by experienced trainers who have pool of knowledge, real-time experience, and hands-on exercises to teach the concepts and tools of CATIA. The course also provides job placement for the students upon completion of the training.

Introduction to PDC & CAD/CAM/CAE
Introduction to CATIA V5

Profile Toolbar
Sketch Tools

Sketch-based Features
Dress-up Features
Reference Elements
Transformation Features
Boolean Operations
Material and Rendering
Assigning a Material to the Model
Reference Elements and Sketch-Based Features
Advanced Modelling Tools
Understanding the Parent-Child Relationships
Measuring Elements
Transformation Features
Working with the Wireframe and Surface Design Workbench
Need of Surface Modelling
Wireframe and Surface Design Workbench

Introduction to Assembly
Top-Bottom and Bottom-Up approach
Product Structure Tools
Applying Constraints
Interference Detection
Sectioning an Assembly
Exploding an Assembly

Working with Sheet Metal Workbench
Setting Sheet Metal Parameters
Parameters Tab
Bend Extremities Tab
Bend Allowance Tab
Sheet Metal Walls
Creating Flanges on the Sheet Metal Component
Creating Hems on the Sheet Metal Component
Creating a Tear Drop on the Sheet Metal Component
Creating a Bend
Creating a Conical Bend
Creating Rolled Walls
Creating a Hopper Wall
Creating a Rolled Wall
Folding and Unfolding Sheet Metal Parts
Unfolding Sheet Metal Parts
Folding Unfolded Parts
Mapping the Geometry
Creating Flat Patterns of Sheet Metal Components

Creating an Extruded Surface
Creating a Revolved Surface
Creating a Swept Surface
Creating a Lofted Surface
Creating a Boundary Surface
Creating a Planar Surface
Creating a Fill Surface
Creating a Radiated Surface
Offsetting Surfaces
Trimming Surfaces
Untrimming Surfaces
Extending Surfaces
Knitting Surfaces
Filleting Surfaces
Creating a Mid-Surface
Deleting Holes from Surfaces
Replacing Faces
Deleting Faces
Moving and Coping Surfaces
Mirroring Surface Bodies
Adding Thickness to Surface Bodies
Creating a Thicken Surface Cut
Creating a Surface Cut

Sheet Preparation
Drawing Views
Output as PDF